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Illustrated Sizing Guide


Finding the right bit type for your horse can be a daunting process but finding the right size shouldn't be. We have created an illustrated guide for you to help you figure out which size would suit your horse best.

How to Measure

As a general rule it is a good idea to start with a bit that has same or similar cheekpiece you are looking to purchase (fixed or loose) that already fits your horse.

Then you can use the bit to take measurements as in the illustrated guide below to determine which size to order. A bit that fits won't pinch the lips, be too long or leave rubs in the corners of the mouth.

Fixed ring bits tend to be easier to fit because they should fit snuggly but not pinch.

For loose ring bits or others with exposed holes (e.g. elevator or gag) it is important you leave at least 1/8 inch to avoid the horses lips getting caught between the bit ring and the hole.

When in doubt size up, rather than down.

Mouthpiece Length

We measure mouthpiece length from ring to ring for both fixed and loose ring mouthpieces.

To arrive at the hole-to-hole mouthpiece length for loose ring type bits (i.e. elevator, loose ring and gag) subtract 0.25" from the advertised size.

This means that we always recommend sizing up a quarter size for all our loose ring bits (i.e. loose ring, elevator and gag cheekpieces) if you are transitioning your horse from a fixed cheekpiece.   

Mouthpiece Thickness

We measure mouthpiece thickness at the point closest to the cheekpiece using a calliper measuring tool with mm precision.

Cheekpiece Height

Total Cheekpiece Height is measured from the highest point to the lowest point of the shank:

We measure Cheekpiece Height: Top To Mouthpiece of our Baucher Bits as follows:

Final Remarks

We strive to provide key measurements for all bits we sell as part of our product descriptions.

If you have any questions or would like to have a specific bit measured please do not hesitate to contact us via email. We generally respond to inquiries within a 24hr window.

Finally, please note that while we make our best effort to have all bits be equally sized and comparable, from time to time there might be slight variations and deviations as every Agador's bit is handmade.

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