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Agador's x LAB Equestrian: SmoothRide Blue Fulmer Snaffle (Demo Condition)

Sale price$55.90 CAD Regular price$74.90 CAD

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Please note that these bits are in demo condition with possible minor signs of wear and no returns or exchanges apply.

This bit is a special design of Laura Burtt, owner of LAB Equestrian, NCCP Equestrian Canada competition coach and a LANTRA certified bit fitter.

SmoothRide Blue bits are made of sweet iron that is known to be more palatable to picky horses.

This bit features a curved mouthpiece as well as cleverly designed lozenge which continues along the anatomical shape of the bit. The curvature in this bit creates a mild tongue relief if worn in the classic way.

The loose ring, eggbutt, D-Ring, elevator and gag bits of this line can be used “upside down” to provide mild bar relief and give you a hint whether your horse prefers more pressure to be directed towards the center or the side of the tongue above bars.

We find this to be a great starter bit and a less expensive alternative to other premium bits as it is versatile, generally well accepted and tends to take up less space in the horse’s mouth without being unnecessarily harsh than many other alternatives.

We find that horses that resist the flat links often seen in classic double jointed snaffles tend to like the smoothness of this bit.


This bit features a Fulmer cheekpiece which is a combination between a full cheek that offers stability through the turns and a loose ring that brings about more responsiveness compared to a fixed cheekpiece.

Mouthpiece thickness: 4.75" and above - 15mm ; up to 4.5" - 12mm

Please note that sweet iron bits oxidise naturally and the blue parts will over time develop a thin layer of rust and turn brown/grey. This is by design as the "rust" is what creates the taste so many horses love.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Amazing bit!

My horse absolutely loves this bit. He was going in a very nice double broken D-ring by HS, but he just hated it and resisted contact, and had a really difficult time translating turn cues (green).
Agador’s has everything you could want and more for the price point. The first thing I noticed was he started taking the bit out of my hands and dropping his head into the bridle. He certainly wasn’t resistant to bridling, but wasn’t a self-bridler.
The fulmer style gives him a kind, soft support through straights and bends, and I can feel his mouth better. He seems to love the copper roller, and plays with it during breaks. It is not pinchy when I hold it.
It is a thicker bit and may not suit very small bars.

Patricia P.

Great product great price!